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It is almost that time of the year again – when hearts are worn on the sleeve and chocolate is eaten in excess. While lavish consumerism is often an indulgence, there are a number of thoughtful ways to make this day romantic without burning a hole in your pocket.

Go back to basics, break away from all the pomp and procedure of a fancy restaurant and organise an organically romantic sunset picnic. You will need to find a good spot facing westward and preferably surrounded by nature. A romantic picnic would not be complete without wine and aphrodisiacal snacks, dip those cherries and strawberries in chocolate and don’t forget the whipped cream. Bring an extra blanket to cuddle under when the stars come out and get lost in the moment together.

Giving a coupon book of IOU’s is another idea that is both thoughtful and thrifty. Whether the vouchers are redeemable for cooking homemade dinners, massages, candlelit bubble baths, doing a random chore for a week or merely their choice of what to watch on movie night, take some time to think about how you can give your time! Remember to personalise your love coupons based on what appeals to your partner. (All offers expire on 14 Feb of the following year…)

If you are someone that is pushed for time and can’t spend much time planning events and perusing aisles for the perfect gift then check out Explore a wide selection of picnic baskets, chocolates, teddy bears, flowers and much more, all delivered to your door! Remember to book this early in advance because their delivery vans will be leaving early on the 14th!

There is nothing more valuable than our time – remember to spend time with your loved ones as often as you can!